Zero FXS motorcycle Specs & Charts

General Specifications (Zero FXS motorcycle)

Product Name Zero FXS
Type motorcycle
Brand Zero
Year Released 2021
Wet Weight Kg 114 KG
Wet Weight Pounds 251 lbs
Torque 78 lb ft
Horsepower Hp 27 HP
Seat Height 33 in
Tires Front Pirelli Diablo Rosso II 110/70-17
Tires Rear Pirelli Diablo Rosso II 140/70-17
Trail Inches 3 in
Transmission Clutchless direct drive
Wheelbase Inches 56 in

Higher than average Zero FXS motorcycle Specs

78 lb ft Vs 20 lb ft
Seat Height
33 in Vs 32 in

Lower than average Zero FXS motorcycle Specs

wet weight kg
114 KG Vs 132 KG
wet weight pounds
251 lbs Vs 295 lbs
Horsepower HP
27 HP Vs 47 HP
Wheelbase inches
56 in Vs 89 in

Wet Weight Pounds

A motorcycle's wet weight refers to the weight of a motorcycle when fully fueled and equipped with all necessary fluids.

The Zero FXS motorcycle has a low wet weight pounds of 251 (lbs), which is 44 (lbs) less than the average wet weight pounds of 295 (lbs). The Zero FXS motorcycle is ranked 482 out of 880 motorcycles for wet weight pounds and we have rated it 6% out of 100%, which we consider to be much poorer than the top performers.

Wet Weight Pounds:

Zero FXS driver


Motorcycle Torque is the rotational force that a motorcycle engine generates, allowing it to accelerate swiftly. Think of it as the engine's muscle,which enables your motorcycle to conquer hills and accelerate smoothly.

The Zero FXS motorcycle has gigantic Torque of 78 (lb ft), which is 58 (lb ft) more than the average Torque of 20 (lb ft). The Zero FXS motorcycle is ranked 88 out of 880 motorcycles for Torque and we have rated it 10% out of 100%, which we consider to be much poorer than the top performers.


Zero FXS driver

Horsepower Hp

Horsepower measured in (HP) refers to the level of power generated by a motorcycle.

The Zero FXS motorcycle has a low Horsepower HP of 27 (HP), which is 20 (HP) less than the average Horsepower HP of 47 (HP). The Zero FXS motorcycle is ranked 445 out of 880 motorcycles for Horsepower HP and we have rated it 9% out of 100%, which we consider to be much poorer than the top performers.

Horsepower Hp:

Zero FXS driver

Seat Height

Motorcycle seat height refers to the distance between the ground and the highest point of the seat.

The Zero FXS motorcycle has a good Seat Height of 33 (in), which is 1 (in) more than the average Seat Height of 32 (in). The Zero FXS motorcycle is ranked 124 out of 880 motorcycles for Seat Height and we have rated it 1% out of 100%, which we consider to be much poorer than the top performers.

Seat Height:

Zero FXS driver

Trail Inches

Motorcycle trail inches refers to the width of a trail or pathway suitable for motorcyclists. It indicates the amount of space available for maneuvering a motorcycle along off-road trails, considering the bike's width.

The Zero FXS motorcycle has a Trail inches of 3 (in), which is 0 (in) difference than the average Trail inches of 3 (in). The Zero FXS motorcycle is ranked 178 out of 880 motorcycles for Trail inches and we have rated it 1% out of 100%, which we consider to be much poorer than the top performers.

Trail Inches:

Zero FXS driver

Wheelbase Inches

Motorcycle wheelbase refers to the distance between the center of the front and rear wheels.

The Zero FXS motorcycle has a low Wheelbase inches of 56 (in), which is 33 (in) less than the average Wheelbase inches of 89 (in). The Zero FXS motorcycle is ranked 500 out of 880 motorcycles for Wheelbase inches and we have rated it 1% out of 100%, which we consider to be much poorer than the top performers.

Wheelbase Inches:

Zero FXS driver