My Honda Rebel 500 turn signals are not working

I need some help with my Honda Rebel 500. The turn signals are either not flashing, blinking way too fast, or sometimes not working at all. It’s driving me nuts and I’m worried about safety on the road. Has anyone else had this problem?


It sounds like a classic case of relay or wiring issues. I had a similar thing happen with my TV, and after switching to a CustomLED relay, problem was fixed!. It’s not too pricey and fairly easy to sort out.

Solutions that Worked for Users

SolutionUsers Who Found SuccessApprox. Cost (USD)Time Needed (Minutes)
Replacing Turn Signal Fuse1$5 – $1010 – 15
Testing and Replacing Flasher Relay1$15 – $3020 – 30
Checking and Reconnecting Wiring1$0 (if self-done)15 – 20

Symptoms and Causes

  • Symptoms: Erratic turn signal behavior, including non-flashing, hyperblinking, or complete failure.
  • Possible Causes: Could be a blown fuse, a faulty relay, or wiring issues.

In-Depth Solutions and Steps

1. Replacing Turn Signal Fuse

  • What I Did: Located the fuse box and replaced the specific fuse for the turn signals.
  • Outcome: Turn signals were back to normal operation.
  • Personal Experience: A simple fuse swap did the trick.
  • Detailed Steps:
    1. Locate the Fuse Box: Usually under the seat or side panel.
    2. Identify the Correct Fuse: Refer to your bike’s manual for the specific fuse for turn signals.
    3. Remove and Inspect the Fuse: Look for any signs of burnout or damage.
    4. Replace with a New Fuse: Ensure it matches the amperage of the old one.
    5. Test the Turn Signals: Check if the issue is resolved.
  • Handy Tip: Keep spare fuses in your toolkit for quick roadside fixes.

2. Testing and Replacing Flasher Relay

  • What I Did: Checked the relay’s voltage and upgraded to a CustomLED relay.
  • Outcome: Fixed the hyperblink and restored functionality.
  • Personal Experience: The upgrade made a noticeable difference.
  • Detailed Steps:
    1. Find the Flasher Relay: Usually near the fuse box or under the seat.
    2. Test with a Multimeter: Check for consistent voltage output.
    3. Remove the Old Relay: Unplug it carefully.
    4. Install the New Relay: Make sure it’s compatible with your bike’s model.
    5. Test the Turn Signals: Look for normal blinking speed.
  • Expert Insight: A CustomLED relay is ideal for LED turn signals, ensuring correct blink rate and compatibility.

3. Checking and Reconnecting Wiring

  • What I Did: Inspected and fixed any loose or damaged wiring connections.
  • Outcome: Resolved the running light and turn signal issues.
  • Personal Experience: A loose wire was the culprit.
  • Detailed Steps:
    1. Inspect All Related Wiring: Look for any loose, frayed, or disconnected wires.
    2. Tighten or Reconnect as Needed: Use appropriate tools to secure connections.
    3. Check for Corrosion or Damage: Clean or replace any corroded connectors.
    4. Test the System: Ensure all lights and signals are functioning correctly.
  • Unique Tip: Use dielectric grease on connections to prevent corrosion.

Extra tips

  • For LED Upgrades: If you’ve upgraded to LED turn signals, ensure your relay is compatible to avoid hyperblink.
  • Wiring Harness Check: Sometimes, the issue might be deeper in the wiring harness. Consider a professional check if DIY fixes don’t work.
  • Regular Maintenance: Regular checks on your bike’s electrical system can prevent many of these issues.

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