Coolant is leaking on my Honda Rebel! Anyone else had this problem?

My Honda Rebel bike just started leaking coolant, and I’m at a loss. It’s not just a few drops; there’s a noticeable puddle under the bike now. Has anyone dealt with something similar? Any advice would be hugely appreciated!”


Ran into a similar issue with my Rebel last month. It turned out to be just a loose hose clamp. A quick tighten and it was as good as new.

Solutions that Worked for Users

SolutionUsers Who Found SuccessApprox. Cost (USD)Approx. Time Needed (Minutes)
Tightening Hose Clamp3$015-20
Replacing O-Rings2$5 (for O-rings)30-40
Checking Radiator Cap and Reservoir Tank1$010-15


  • Visible puddles of coolant under the bike
  • Decreasing coolant level in the reservoir
  • Moisture or wetness around hose connections

Possible Causes

  • Hose clamps may have loosened, causing leaks
  • O-rings could be worn out, failing to seal joints
  • Radiator cap or reservoir tank might not be sealing properly

Detailed Solutions

1. Tightening Hose Clamp

  • What I Did: Inspected all coolant system hose clamps and tightened any that felt loose.
  • Outcome: The leak stopped after securing the clamps.
  • Personal Experience: Found a clamp near the radiator that was surprisingly loose. Tightening it did the trick.
  • Estimated Cost: $0
  • Time Needed: 15-20 minutes
  • Detailed Steps:
    1. Start by locating all hose clamps in the coolant system.
    2. Use a screwdriver or a suitable wrench to tighten each clamp. Ensure they are snug but not overly tight.
    3. Inspect hoses for any signs of damage or wear.
    4. Clean the area thoroughly and monitor for a few days to ensure no further leaks.
  • Handy Tips:
    • Regularly inspect hose clamps, especially after long rides or maintenance work.
    • Consider marking the clamps with a marker once tightened for easy future reference.
  • Expert Tip: A good practice is to check hose clamps during oil changes or other routine maintenance.

2. Replacing O-Rings

  • What I Did: Identified and replaced the old, worn-out O-rings.
  • Outcome: The coolant stopped leaking after new O-rings were installed.
  • Personal Experience: Noticed the old O-rings had become brittle and were not sealing properly.
  • Estimated Cost: $5 (for O-rings)
  • Time Needed: 30-40 minutes
  • Detailed Steps:
    1. Identify the leaking area and determine which O-rings need replacement.
    2. Carefully remove the old O-rings. Avoid using sharp tools that might scratch surfaces.
    3. Clean the area where the O-rings sit, removing any debris or old coolant.
    4. Apply a small amount of silicone grease to the new O-rings for easier installation.
    5. Install the new O-rings and reassemble any parts removed.
  • Handy Tips:
    • Always use O-rings that match the specifications for your bike model.
    • Keep a few spare O-rings in your toolkit for emergencies.
  • Expert Tip: When replacing O-rings, also inspect nearby components for wear or damage.

3. Checking Radiator Cap and Reservoir Tank

  • What I Did: Examined the radiator cap and reservoir tank for any issues.
  • Outcome: Found the radiator cap was not fully tightened, fixing it resolved the leak.
  • Personal Experience: A simple overlook on the radiator cap was the culprit.
  • Estimated Cost: $0
  • Time Needed: 10-15 minutes
  • Detailed Steps:
    1. Carefully inspect the radiator cap for any signs of damage or wear.
    2. Ensure the cap is properly seated and securely tightened.
    3. Examine the reservoir tank for cracks, leaks, or damage.
    4. After securing the cap, monitor the coolant level for a few days.
  • Handy Tips:
    • Regularly check the radiator cap and reservoir tank, especially after maintenance.
    • Replace the radiator cap if it shows any signs of wear, as it’s crucial for maintaining system pressure.
  • Expert Tip: A faulty radiator cap can cause subtle leaks that are often overlooked.

Motorcycle Models Where This Worked

  • Honda Rebel 300
  • Honda Rebel 500

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